bbfc title research. - Lewis
A film with a rating of 15 is able to be set on a number of topics, and as long as it is treated in an appropriate manner for people of 15 then any topic is allowed.
In terms of content the 15 age rating is very open and allows for a lot of freedom as long as the film is approached in a sensible manner. the freedom is most apparent in its treatment of language, as the use of frequent strong language is allowed and only the strongest language had the condition of being used only in context. strong horror and menace is also permitted unless sadistic or sexual.Violence is very open however the strongest gore and sadistic or sexual violence is not permitted. it is also important to note that the film should not dwell on dangerous behavior that is imitable.
Nudity and sex may be shown without strong detail, however strong verbal detail is permitted if in context.
The 18 rating means that the content is free to include any material as long as it follows a few rules :
The content does not break the law and has not been made through criminal offenses.
The content does not risk harming individuals or the community (endorse drug use or endorse sexual violence).
Material of explicit and graphic sexual activity better defined by the R18 category.

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